Welcome to Teddy Bear Academy’s home for teddy bear patterns and kits!
Here you will find digital downloadable teddy bear patterns that you print at home so you can start right away.
Don’t have a printer? No problem! You can also buy physical teddy bear patterns that will be mailed to your home.
Maybe you would prefer a DIY stuffed teddy bear making kit that includes the fur, glass eyes, teddy bear joints, nose thread and eye floss. You will find all of that here by clicking on the category icon of your choice above.
If you are interested in a constantly growing library of video bear making courses, click the “Teddy Bear Making Classes“. link at the top to learn about Teddy Bear Academy.
Payments & Shipping
Terms & Conditions
Paper patterns and kits will be shipped within 2 business days after receiving payment via US Mail. Unfortunately, we can no longer ship to the EU to do Europe’s new import laws.
Digital patterns will be available for download immediately after purchase for you to print at home.
We accept Master Card, Visa and PayPal
The bears made according to the directions from these patterns and kits are adult collectibles and not toys. Due to the risk of choking, these bears should not be given to children under 12.
Patterns & Kits Refund Policy Due to the nature of these products, there is a NO REFUND policy on any pattern or kit purchased from this site unless there is damage sustained in the shipping process. If so, the refund must be processed with the postal service and their rules must be followed. (ie: saving all shipping materials, etc…). For the complete list of Terms and Conditions, visit https://teddybearkits.teddybearacademy.net/?page_id=196
About Me
Laura Lynn Morguelan – Artist teddy bear designer & founder
Hi there! My name is Laura Lynn, and teddy bear making & design is one of my passions. I strive to design teddy bears that will tug at your heart stings.
Since I began creating my artist bears in 2001, (at www.TeddiesbyLauraLynn.com) I’ve always wanted to move forward.
In 2007 I started to share my love of making teddy bears by holding teddy bear making workshops, selling teddy bear patterns and DIY teddy bear kits.
Time and travel hassles have held me back from teaching as much as I would like to, so in 2014 I created www.TeddyBearAcademy.net where you can learn how to make teddy bears with online streaming video classes.